Ended exhibitions

Affiche SURF Titre rvb

(Français) Surfer sur la vague

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Marseille at the maritime heart, collection of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Aix Marseille Provence

With a corpus of varied works, the theme of the exhibition naturally revolves around the port of Marseille, its changing infrastructures and evolving ships, through the talent of artists with plural techniques and singular looks. Different faces of a maritime …

Affiche titre exposition JP Blanche Def

Poetry & light of Jean-Pierre Blanche

For the artist Jean-Pierre Blanche, nature dazzled by the sun or at nightfall, the trees, its 300-year-old cedar, buildings with soberly lit shutters never ceased to be a source of inspiration. Bewitched by landscapes, Jean-Pierre Blanche has chosen recurring motifs …

newsletter Résidence Isabelle (637 × 420 px)

Isabelle Ha Eav Ruiz : Artist in Residency

Residency for research, creation and production As part of its 10th anniversary, the Musée Regards de Provence wanted to develop its approach to supporting contemporary artists by launching a call for applications for its first “Residence for research, creation and …

Affiche Titre La Collection 25 Ans

The Collection – Its 25 years

The artists translate what they experience, attesting to the beauty and diversity of the territory, each experimenting with his pictorial practice, whether academic, post-impressionist, symbolist, fauvist, resulting in spontaneous, clear and luminous painting. The landscape played a key role in …

Portrait J J Le Gac 2

Trilogy by Jean Le Gac

This exhibition reveals the singular work of Jean Le Gac with an astonishing journey of bringing together images, photographs, drawings, paintings and texts. The permanent and concomitant use of writing and image allows him to lead us into his poetic …

Affiche VENISE titre sitedef

Journey to Venise – Danièle Ohnheiser

Very free in the choice of subjects, she focuses as much on a majestic palace as on a well-lit trefoil window, on a breakaway between two bridges, a worm-eaten door or on a small colonnade half sunk in the Grand …


At the water’s edge by Vincent Bioulès

The exhibition “Au bord de l’eau Vincent Bioulès” reveals the work of the artist who captures the atmosphere and flavor of Mediterranean landscapes and their hinterland. His visions of Marseille and the coast are sometimes tinged with romanticism, his generous …

Verdilhan L.M. Cheval noir sur la place de Trets

Outside the walls “Lands Provence”, Maison Blanche, Marseille

The landscape took a capital part in the plastic revolution of the XIXcentury and nature in Provence was a stimulating element to the genius of Cézanne (problem of form) and Vincent Van Gogh (color vector of ‘emotion). Since the middle …

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Sea Views

The Regards de Provence Museum presents the exhibition “Sea Views” which brings together 25 contemporary painters, photographers, sculptors and videographers from the South Region, who have illustrated the sea, the shores, the coastline, the beaches and seaside activities. sea. Through …

EXE-Affiche 297x420-V2 site

Outside the walls “Colors of Provence”, Gréoux-les-Bains

The landscape took a capital part in the plastic revolution of the XIXth century and nature in Provence was a stimulating element to the genius of Cézanne (problem of form) and Vincent Van Gogh (color vector of ‘emotion). Since the …

La-bouillabaisse des chefs pour le banquet barOque (2)

Outside de walls “Humor and derision”, Saint Raphaël

This exhibition is a poetic, humorous, sometimes absurd journey, juxtaposing 18 artists, French, Spanish and Dutch from the 20th century, whose works are engaging – both strong and explosive. It is a mixture of realistic and surreal, poetic and utopian, …

Affiche Couleurs des Suds Antoine et Jos Henri PONCHIN Titre site

Colors of the Souths. Antoine and Jos Henri Ponchin

Throughout their lives, they have nurtured a deep attachment to the South, transcribing the light and atmosphere of their native Provence, striving to capture its nuances. They were artists of the spirit of the Marseillaise School, turned towards the representation …

Affiche exposition Marseille de Port en Ports, Titre DEF

Marseille, from Port to Ports

Sailing in Marseille from Port to Ports is the itinerary of this coastal crossing offered by this exhibition. The word Port makes you dream, being both a place of arrival and a point of departure, opening the imagination to possible …

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From the Collection to the Artist’s studio

This exhibition claims its support for contemporary art in general and for artists from the South region chosen from the collection whose work and sensitivity are remarkable for their creativity. It shows the extent of the collection, the plurality of …


Local Heroes. Marseille & Berlin

This is not an exhibition of pure graffiti, but an exhibition of contemporary art, artists who have acquired their training and practice in the streets. Local Heroes refers to the geographic division of the art world between the institutional realm …


Blachon freely !

This exhibition reveals his dreamlike, poetic, naturalistic, wine-growing, erotic, sporty and eclectic worlds which testify to his immense talent as a colorist and his great art of layout with lively lines. The exhibition brings together more than 70 drawings and …

Affiche La Provence de Giono Titre SITE

Provence of Giono

This exhibition, of which all the works come from the collection of the Regards de Provence Foundation, brings together nearly 70 paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries. It offers a journey through time through the Provençal countryside and highlights …


Lucien Jacques, the dowser of Giono / Exhibition Mucem Co-production

The Regards de Provence Museum co-produces with the Mucem the monographic exhibition dedicated to Lucien Jacques, concomitant with the “Giono” exhibition at the Mucem, revealing the multiple facets of a multidisciplinary artist, often mentioned as the discoverer of Jean Giono. …


Henry Person. Navigate in colors

The Musée Regards de Provence honors the work of Henri Person who, throughout his life, built his work on themes that are dear to him such as boats, the sea, the trees that border it and the small villages of …

ALT A Le fruit défendu (2)

(Français) L’art mange l’art

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AFFICHE Expo Table au Tableau Titre def

(Français) De la table au tableau

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A utopia is a reality in power The exhibition Anniversary of the 5 years of the Museum Regards de Provence proposes to revive in immersive images the site of the metamorphosis of the museum inaugurated in 2013. A true utopia …

Affiche 20 Ans site

20 Years Regards de Provence

This retrospective offers a tour of excerpts of exhibitions, reminiscent of some symbolic artistic events. So many artists, epochs, subjects that have marked the two decades of Regards de Provence, such as The Rural Provence – The Orient of the …

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His Muse…

Each one has his muse! Between myth and reality, its contemporary incarnation moves in different subjects: the woman, the model, the muse, the icon, the diva … It is by browsing works from the early twentieth to the present day …

Affiche Andre Maire site bis

André Maire’s Travels

Painter traveler and draftsman, André Maire, a student of Emile Bernard, is not part of any school or current. The evolutions and changes that appear in his creations are the result of his thoughts, his reflections, his research, his admiration. …


Mediterranean Calls

With each artist comes a vision and a special approach mixing romanticism, realism, neo-impressionism, fauvism, pointillism and expressionism. The narrative wends its way through 10 places – Collioure, Martigues, Marseille, Cassis – La Ciotat, Toulon – the Isles of Hyères, …


Poetry of Joseph Inguimberty

About 80 works themed on Indochina in the 1920s : landscapes, workers in the rice fields, scenes of everyday life, women’s intimate moments, and portrayals of the artist’s native south with its port scenes of Marseille, the Calanques and the …

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Quirin Mayer between Balance and Harmony

He works on collages, wherein the timing of organic and geometric shapes that are juxtaposed and are succeeded generate a fortuitous distribution. In a free game between creativity and emotion, collages, paintings and sculptures of Mayer offer a genuine alternative …

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David Dellepiane – Arts & Modernity

The Musée Regards de Provence pays tribute to the painter, poster artist, lithographer, illustrator and designer, David Dellepiane (1866-1932) and reveals the many facets of his talent. This exhibition brings together nearly 90 posters, drawings, paintings, from museums, galleries and …

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Wonders of Orientalism

From March 18 to December 31, the Musée Regards de Provence pays tribute to the Orientalist school of painting with a look at artists of different nationalities – Provencal, Italian, Spanish or Algerian – and working in different eras – …

Affiche PONSON web site

Light & Serenity of Raphaël Ponson

The Musée Regards de Provence celebrates Raphael Ponson (1835-1904), a protagonist of the Ecole de Marseille. Starting his career as a disciple of the artist Loubon, he received a classical academic education in fine arts and an initiation into the …

Mediterranean Light Poster Exhibition bd

(Français) Des Regards qui voyagent jusqu’en Finlande

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(Français) Vies Silencieuses

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(Français) François Bouché. Courbes & Espaces

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Danse Helene 5 bd

(Français) L’Art du mouvement de l’Ombre à la Lumière

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(Français) Alfred Lombard. Couleur & Intimité

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Lombard; Platane en hiver a Auriol, 1906

(Français) Ateliers Créatifs Soleil du Midi & Univers de Lombard

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(Français) Lumières du Sud

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Air-Bel 3D
Affiche Sosno web

(Français) Sacha Sosno et les Écoles de Nice – Un dialogue privilégié

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Marseille éternelle

Le Musée Regards de Provence accueille des œuvres issues de la collection de la Fondation Regards de Provence mettant à l’honneur la cité Phocéenne et les visions d’artistes, de toutes époques, qui y ont résidé ou séjourné un moment de …

affiche WEB BATEAU LAVOIR sans logo

Autour du Bateau-Lavoir. Des artistes à Montmartre et la Méditerranée

Le Musée Regards de Provence illustre une période de vie et d’ébullition culturelle d’un quartier de Paris – la Butte Montmartre et son poumon artistique, le Bateau-Lavoir – lieu essentiel de résidences et de rencontres entre les artistes, les hommes …

Regards d’Artistes sur Marseille-Provence 2013

Le Musée Regards de Provence présente 7 regards d’artistes sur l’année Capitale européenne de la Culture dans le cadre du Festival Myprovence, auquel la Fondation Regards de Provence s’est associée depuis 2 ans. Cette exposition initiée par Bouches-du-Rhône Tourisme est …

Affiche PROVENCE site

Regards de Provence à Rueil-Malmaison

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Affiche Web terre Rencontres prolongation

La Provence. Terre de rencontres entre plasticiens et écrivains

A l’occasion de l’année Marseille Provence Capitale Européenne de la Culture en 2013, le Musée Regards de Provence révèle l’exposition « La Provence, terre de rencontres » mettant en exergue et rapprochant des peintures, des sculptures, des dessins et des photographies …

Affiches web Femmes en Provence

Femmes en Provence et en Méditerranée – Collection Regards de Provence

Le Musée Regards de Provence met à l’honneur l’exposition «Femmes en Provence et en Méditerranée», issue de la collection de la Fondation Regards de Provence. Cet événement est construit autour d’un axe double ; celui des arts visuels : peinture, …

Affiche Bernar VENET web (2)

Bernar VENET. Carpiagne : L’Origine

Le Musée Regards de Provence accueille deux expositions de Bernar Venet dans le cadre de l’année capitale européenne de la culture 2013. La première s’intéresse aux origines de son œuvre, de 1961 à 1966, période durant laquelle l’artiste vécut dans la …

Affiche Expo CASSIS Musee Regards de Provence

Cassis, Port de la peinture au tournant de la modernité

Le Musée Regards de Provence met à l’honneur l’exposition temporaire « Cassis, port de la peinture. Au tournant de la modernité (1845-1945) », réparti entre deux sites, à Marseille et à Cassis dans les Salles Voûtées et le Musée Municipal d’ATP, …

Olivier metzger_iles

Regards d’artistes sur Marseille-Provence, à l’aube de 2013

La Fondation Regards de Provence, en partenariat avec Bouches-du-Rhône Tourisme, présente 12 artistes confirmés ou jeunes talents en résidence artistique pour recueillir des regards singuliers et contemporains sur le territoire, à l’aube de 2013. Avant d’intégrer le Musée Regards de …